Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011 -Tiny Blessings from A Big God

"The things that make God dear to us are not so much His great big blessings 
as the tiny things, because they show His amazing intimacy with us; 
He knows every detail of our individual lives."  
--Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest
"Amen!"  Robin Noland
     How well do you and I know and understand what pleases God? If we wanted to bless God today in an intimately meaningful way, what could we do?  
     God constantly works on the "biggies" in our lives: vocations, relationships, and callings. He also stays on top of our constant need to overcome selfish sin, insecurities and faults, doubts and dogmas. Not a day goes by without Him helping us discern our needs from our wants.  However, sweet Abba-God also knows our favorite colors, patterns, words, symbols, and aromas. He can trace our fingerprints and understands our love languages and learning styles. God uses every medium to draw us to Him, express His love for us, and reveal Himself to us. He sends us flowers, sunbeams, and personal love letters  messages in His Word. 
     One morning I woke up and said as I walked into the hallway, "Good morning, Father" and on my next step sunshine bathed my face. Another time I stood on the beach in the dark singing "I love You Lord"! and when I opened my eyes He had placed a beautiful phosphorous covered shell between my feet. One morning I sat on the bed and had a private praise-fest and noticed birds gathering in the tree outside the window to sing along.  I've left something "pretty" at the store in an effort to be budget-abiding only to receive it from an unknowing friend later. In a world of nearly seven billion people, God answers the most minute, specific and unspoken prayers just to show me I'm dear to His heart. Now, tell me, how can we show Him He's dear to ours?
"Who then is the man that fears the LORD? 
He will instruct him in the way chosen for him.  .  . 
The LORD confides in those who fear Him; He makes His covenant known to them." 
Psalm 25:12, 14
Lord on high, You've come into my heart and know every thought that flits through there. Nothing gets by You! You bless me in delightfully personal ways and I'm moved to love You more. Thank You for every blessing great and small. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit's one-on-one spiritual tutoring sessions. Thank You for yellow, blue, white, pink, periwinkle, red, and green. Thank You for the way cilantro smells. Thank You for shade and sunshine, ladybugs and lightning bugs. Thank You for hugs and sweet words and phone calls from friends and the comforting voices of family. Thank You for the feelings of anticipation and the joy of success and satisfaction. Thank You for the lessons I've learned the hard way because those have stuck. Thank You for a good cup of coffee.  Thank You for miracles of healing in bodies and souls. Thank You for Jesus,
In the Name of Your Son Who taught us You love us,
Inspired by My Utmost for His Highest 

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