Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011 - Nothing to Lose

     Valentine's Day was exactly one week ago today. How did it impact our lives? Some people express their love by the calendar so that on Valentine's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, and Christmas they feel obligated to buy the richest box of chocolate, the biggest stuffed bear, the most expensive gifts, and the most expressive cards. Other people do little loving things on a daily basis throughout the year so that when a particular day pops up they don't feel compelled to "prove" their love because a certain date says to do so. Which way most speaks love? As in most of life, the truth can be found between the extremes.
     Sunday was yesterday. How did it impact our lives? Did we go all out to show God we love Him with a big check, tiring service, the loudest singing, and a smile that covered a week of never acknowledging Him or of taking His Love for granted? Was it a day we allowed to reinforce the deepening relationship we share with Him or a day of forced quality time?
     A woman watching Jesus enter the home of Simon the Pharisee felt her heart seized by an idea that came all at once to her now-pounding heart. Her legs took her swiftly to the outskirts of Bethany as people looked at her with the usual disgust in their eyes. Someone spat at her. Once safely inside her house, she approached a small table beside her bed on which sat a lone alabaster jar. Firmly and without her usual care and ceremony she tucled the jar inside her cloak and headed back into town to Simon's house. The jar seemed to burn her skin as she remembered the wealthy "admirerer" who gave it to her. She hoped Jesus would know her gift to Him meant her past was dead, the past for which He had forgiven. As Simon's house came into view, she was torn between lifting her chin in defiance to the "welcome" she would receive from the Pharisees and lowering her head at gentleness she fully expected to see in His eyes, if she dared meet those eyes. She hesitated only a second in the doorway as she searched among the reclining dinner guests for Jesus. She took a deep breath reminding herself that with her reputation firmly ensconced in this small town, she had nothing more to lose. She fixed her eyes on Jesus and moved toward Him before anyone could stop her.
   "But my eyes are fixed on You, O Sovereign LORD; in You I take refuge -- do not give me over to death." Psalm 141:8
When she reached Him she knelt at His feet where she broke the jar. From the shattered alabaster poured the aromatic liquid and from her heart poured the richest expression of love she had ever experienced or expressed. All the pent up gratitude for His protective, redeeming love poured out of her in an unspoken vow to "go and sin no more."
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."
Colossians 2:6-7
As she wept publicly without shame and  noticed through her tears the liquid washing away dirt from Jesus' feet. Dirt? Had no one offered to wash her Master's feet? She began to use the only water and towel she had at hand, her tears and her hair, to do what should have been done by others. She forced her eyes downward to avoid reflecting back into the eyes around the table the same judgments they were pinning on her: shock, indignation, and disgust. As if they read her mind, they defensively started in on her, judging her for wasting a top dollar item to wash feet.
"'Leave her alone,'  said Jesus. Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to Me.'"
 Mark 14:6 
Today may be a day to love in the little, daily devoted ways, but there are times to do a beautiful thing to Jesus with the extravagant expression of a heart that has nothing to lose and everything to gain. 
Father, what is my alabaster jar? What gift tells You I'm leaving all other idols and addictions to follow You? Show me Your wish list and I will give what You want and not what I consider a "good enough" gift. Fill me with the desire to love the least of these with extravagance because what we do for them, we're doing for You. When we all get to heaven, Lord, I pray we'll have the opportunity to do just as this woman did and kneel at Your actual feet in complete love and worship for Who You are and in thanksgiving for how You've redeemed us from a disgustingly selfish and sinful life.
In the Name of Jesus, Who sees our hearts, reads our minds, and fills our futures with hope!

Inspired by My Utmost for His Highest and Jesus Calling

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