Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011 - Compellability (Yes it's a real word.)

    Yesterday I substituted in a music class where the assignment was a word search page related to careers in the music and entertainment industry with words like producer, composer, arranger, manager, conductor, manufacturer, publisher, publicist, audio engineer, and so forth. While fifth graders in the class recognized the words they couldn't explain them and, frankly, I had trouble defining some of the jobs.
    Paul describes the power of Christ in our lives with a word I rarely hear except in sermons so I needed a vocabulary review. 
"For Christ's love compels us, 
because we are convinced that one died for all,
and therefore all died." 2 Corinthians 5:14
 Definitions for Compel: 
1: To force, drive, or constrain (another word I never use and need defined: Plus, I have word prejudice against this word because I picture someone straining and choking);
2: To necessitate or pressure by force; exact (another verb I don't use but which always seems to be followed by "obedience" or "a promise."); and,
3: To exert a strong, irresistible force on; sway.
Synonyms for compel: force, make, urge, drive, oblige, necessitate, coerce, impel (Oh, the nuances of the English language!) 

     We've all been "compelled"  (forced or driven) to do something by varying negative forces such as guilt, punishment, obstinance (ours and others'), shame, obligation, lust, greed, and addiction. Many of us have learned to recognize and avoid many of these negative forces yet we remain susceptible to less obvious forces of flattery, pride, ambition, competition, misplaced loyalties, cries for help from those who could and should help themselves, as well as our own need to be needed or to make a difference. If I allowed myself to be compelled by every advertisement I see, I would eat at every restaurant while stepping over a myriad of exercise equipment to get to the kitchen to store all the Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers groceries I'd bought. Uncontrolled compellability (yes, it's a real word) means I would sponsor 100 foster children in other countries and own all the sad-eyed puppies and kittens from rescue shelters. As emotional beings we're compellable (another real word) unless we've developed a hard heart or rigamortis.     
     Paul, once compelled by tradition and Law, was compelled to his knees by the Light of Christ's love on the Damascus Road that changed his life's direction. He never turned back once God gripped him. He became a man newly driven by Love and Grace. No one could "strong arm," criticize or flatter him away from the grip of God. He became compellable to the Right Compeller. Every other force faded in the Light of God's Glory and Grace.
Lord God, even now we're compelled by something or someone. Help us choose to let You grip us more tightly today and squeeze out other influences. Drive us with Your Grace and Love. We're seasick from being tossed from wave to wave. We raise our sails to Your Spirit and ask You to set our course and drive us wherever you want us to be, to do whatever You call us to do. May Your Face shine on us as You shone on Saul and changed his heart, his path, his motives, his name, his yearnings. Teach us to be compellable to Your unconditional and all-consuming Love. Sway us Your Way, Lord.
In the Name of Jesus Whose Love and sacrifice for us can't be explained by human love!

"The LORD bless you and keep you; 
the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace."
Number 6:24-26
Inspired by My Utmost for His Highest and Jesus Calling
Definitions and word forms from
Photo from

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