Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010 - Obstacle Course

“You can’t get there from here,” describes the challenge of getting from our carport to the office in the back of the house at the moment. In this obstacle course you must first survive the treacherous “Dodge-Box” Challenge before you can attempt the “Miss-the-Step-Or-Stump-Your-Toe” stage. The next leg of the course separates the pros from the amateurs: “The Water Hazard” appears to be a clear path through the kitchen but beware! Previous contestants have kicked the dog’s water bowl and you'll more than likely find yourself hydroplaning across a wet patch or two through the living room door. If you’re still on your feet after the “Water Hazard” you should feel confident negotiating the daunting double “Hairpin Turn” in the hallway. Seconds tick by as you recover your equilibrium and regain focus to face the “Forest of the Lost Wardrobes,” where people have fallen into tall boxes in search of a belt only to be found hours later in someone else's clothes. The “Obstacle Course through Noland Land” is not for the fainthearted. The fact is you can get there from here, but — it’s complicated.

Life is complicated when we forget our destination or become discouraged by hurdles in the road between us and where we want to be spiritually. The simple fact that today is Monday is an obstacle to many people’s joy and peace of mind. When we focus on “Rainy Days and Mondays” we pull our own spiritual fervor down and become an obstacle for others as well. Recalculate: Let’s call it Tuesday Eve and focus on God’s Presence. That’s the secret of spiritual success, according to “Jesus Calling” today: focusing on the Good Shepherd Who’s leading us rather than on the obstacles through which He’s leading us. David survived the “Cave-Hop” because he kept his heart stayed trustingly on God and the disciple Peter would have survived his “Water Hazard” if he had maintained focus and faith in the One he followed.  

Sovereign Lord, You already know the obstacles, real and imagined, we face today. Each of us will set out with a destination in mind, maybe to imitate You in a dark world or to share Your love with someone unlovable. Help us keep our eyes on You and forget the difficulties and challenges. Put a song in our hearts on this Tuesday Eve as we follow Your lead. Help us remember that how we maneuver  the journey itself is crucial to a safe arrival. And, most of all, thank You for going through today’s course with us rather than sending us out alone. It’s always better to follow Someone who knows the ropes.  

“I am the good shepherd; I know My sheep and My sheep know Me – just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father – and I lay down My life for the sheep.” John 10:14-15

“The path of the righteous is level; O upright One, You make the way of the righteous smooth.” Isaiah 26:7

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