Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15 - Clothes in the dryer

We're packing and it's a daunting task. From casual summer on the coast at ESBC to the fall formal of a first Sunday at FBC Benton. Little things but big changes. I couldn't find some of Nick's favorite clothes until I remembered they were in the dryer. Clean and pitifully wrinkled and not much good hiding in the dark bunched up with all the other clean clothes. I couldn't help but compare that bunch of clean clothes to a church of cliquish Christians who are comfortable all wrapped up in ourselves.

Lord, do we smell good but we're just for "looks?" Do we let You use us in practical ways? Are we hiding in the safety of church walls because we're unwilling to go out there and be what You created us to be? Fill us with the courage to rub elbows with people who need You. May we be a pleasing aroma to You, not because we look and smell all saved and clean, but because we invite You to use us to touch the left out and lonely people of the world. May we remember we were all losers until You saved us. Help us get out of the dryer and wrap ourselves around someone who needs us to point them to You.

"But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." James 1:22

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