Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011 - "How to Love People FOR DUMMIES"

"So we have stopped evaluating others by what the world thinks of them." 
2 Corinthians 5:16 NLT 

Walter is one nasty, grumpy, cussing old man.
    We watched part of a video of comedian Jeff Dunham using his talent for ventriloquism to create characters based on stereotypes. (Disclaimer: the bleeps were so numerous we stopped watching.) There was a crotchety old man named Walter, the Dead Terrorist Achmed, and a redneck named Bubba J.  Through the mouths of these "dummies" he said things he couldn't say without them, voiced unapologetic stereotypes and stated biases that would blackball him if it weren't for those little guys with their humorous faces.  
     We do the same thing with a different set of dummies. "Righteous indignation" handles all our grudges. "Spot Light" points out other people's sins to avert eyes from our own. "Reputation" labels people as "bad influences" to keep our families at a safe distance.       However, when Jesus said, "Love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you," (Matthew 5:44), He tore these dummies away and exposed us as the voices behind these unloving, unkind, unChristlike attitudes and comments. 
     Father, You are Love and You embrace the least of these, including me. Who are we to think we're better? Forgive us when we label people as unworthy of our forgiveness, our time, our attention, our friendship, our compassion.  Help us minister without regard to age, color, creed, religion, appearance, or their response to our efforts.  When we're tempted to judge or label others, put a picture of our own hypocrisy before our eyes and bring us to our knees in repentance.  Speak Your healing, loving words to anyone who needs them through us today.  
In the Name of Jesus, Love in human form

"Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked."
1 Corinthians 13:5

"As we have opportunity, let us do good to all."
Galatians 6:10

"Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.'
1 John 4:7

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