Friday, October 19, 2012


Lord, you have seen what is in my heart.
You know all about me.
You know when I sit down and when I get up.
You know what I’m thinking even though you are far away.

                             You know when I go out to work and when I come back home.                             You know exactly how I live.
                             Lord, even before I speak a word,
                             you know all about it.

You are all around me. You are behind me and in front of me.You hold me in your power.
I’m amazed at how well you know me.
It’s more than I can understand.
Psalm 139:1-6
     A trunk of dress up clothes waits for Addy in her room at my house.  She, like her mother and her Uncle Nick did, loves to put on costumes. She's going to be a cupcake, sprinkles and all for the Harvest celebration at their church. In the box there are superhero capes Nana made for Nick, an assortment of hats, a magic wand, gloves, beads, a fireman's jacket, apron, and a safari shirt and binoculars, among other items. Addy will be able to imagine being whomever she likes.
     I've noticed God's people, including me, like to play dress up. When we're growing in Him we're front and center, hearts open and fertile to receive the seeds of transformation in His Word.  We're authentic in our search, about our needs, and when it comes to admitting fault. But when our attitudes slip into apathy or anger or the fear of being discovered as hypocrites, we hunt down the dress up trunk and throw on something to give the "right" impression:
We throw on a cape and do something good in a big way;
We add bling by tossing extra coins into the collection plate;
We stack on another hat, put on an apron, and serve more people in more ways;
We might even pull out the binoculars and start hunting for specks in the character of another believer.
When our costumes fail to cover what we want to hide, we move to phase two: we slide into "fellowship" at the last minute and slip away as soon as possible. We escape before one of our brothers or sisters in Christ sees our lack, our need, our frailty, our sin.  Now if even I, one of the dull bulbs in the chandelier, can see this pattern and sense something's wrong, then none of us (God's people) are too bright if we think we can dodge God's all-seeing eyes. 
What's the answer? Authenticity - with both God and His people. We learn to relax in God's Presence and accept His acceptance. We relax inthe warm bath of His love for us in spite of our imperfections and sin. We remove the dress up clothes and admit our faults and sins to each other as the first step in living accountable lives. Acceptance and authenticity, authenticity and acceptance: gifts God gives us and we learn to give one another. 
"the LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

Exodus 33:14

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