Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Warning! Warning!

"Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always."
Pslam 105:4

     We tuned in to a British sitcom one night just as a patient consulted with his doctor.  The conversation went something like this:
Doctor:  Are you taking the medications I prescribed?

Patient:  Oh, yes. I'm doing even better than that. I'm taking these as well. (He produces a bottle labeled "Herbal Pills.")

Doctor:  What is this?

Patient: I don't know but the shopkeeper said it would help my particular problem.  It's all natural.

Doctor (aggravated and taking the bottle away): Well, so is poison ivy but you don't go sticking that in your mouth, now do you?

Patient: Well, of course not! It's got "poison" in the title.

     Why do we need wisdom? Because not everything and everyone wears a warning in their titles.  Temptations look harmless and don't come with the warning "Leads to Addiction," or "Will Destroy Your Family." Life would be easier if people wore warning labels of the hidden dangers in their characters, their motives. Want to keep your valuables? Stay away from Beauregard the Bandit and Gerta the Greedy. Not crazy about confrontation. Don't push Arlene the Angry's buttons.
    We need our Guide through this crazy mine-field of a life.  We need the One God Who lives up to His many wonderful names: Comforter,  Prince of Peace,  Savior, Faithful, Friend of Sinners, Love, the LORD God, Mighty to Save, our Shield and Defender.  We don't need substitutes or additional guides.  Connecting with His Presence and His Word nourishes us with that healthy glow.

"Those who look to Him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame."
Psalm 34:5

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