Monday, October 15, 2012

Large Print Blessings

"When I look at the night sky and see the work of Your fingers -- 
the moon and the stars You have set in place -- 
what are mortals that You should think of us, mere humans that You should care for us?" Psalm 8:3-4
     I'm praising God that He woke me early and with the energy to take Little Mac for a much-needed walk.  I'm grateful for the divine jumpstart that had me dressed and out the door before I could change my mind or put in my contacts.  So glad I didn't.
     On one of Little Mac's numerous sniffing and contributing pauses in our walk, I saw the bright  "Morning Star," which I mistook for an airplane at first.  God used astigmatism and poor vision to enhance my star gazing experience.  The longer I stared at it the brighter and bigger it grew. It seemed to multiply into a chain of stars then pulsated until it looked like a white Roman candle bursting on sight. No amount of blinking or turning the head reduced the star to normal size.
     Maybe God's gift of a star with a life of its own in the black sky can teach me:
to look up when the way is dark;
to keep gazing at God's gifts for their full effect;
to remember He uses human weaknesses to enhance our understanding of His strength;
to trust He's with us, watching over us and winking at us when we make eye contact;
to see how He makes opportunities to reach us through even light years with His love;
to let me in on what it was like to see a new star in the sky 2,000 years ago and to tell me a miracle is just around the corner.
     Even weak eyes, when they're open and looking, can spot God's gifts because He provides them in large print.

Father, I know we've been taught to close our eyes when we pray, but today, may we pray with our eyes open and searching.  You call out to us, speak and teach us through Your creation. You long for us to respond with time and attention.  Thank You for wanting relationship with us, for caring whether we love you in return.  We write people off when they don't respond; You send stars.  Thank You for the quiet morning filled with the giant print of Your great love for humankind.

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