Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - Teacher of the Day, Year, Century, Millennium, and Eternity

"Take My yoke upon you. 
Let Me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:29

"He (the Word - Jesus) was in the beginning with God. 
He created everything there is. Nothing exists that He didn't make."
John 1:2-3
     I've been blessed with some gifted teachers through the years and I've suffered through a few less-than-stellar ones.  Sometimes I came into a classroom with bias toward or against the subject which affected my perception.  If I admired a teacher personally, he or she could do no wrong and I opened my mind to learn in those safe environments, often going the extra mile to please.  These teachers often, but not always, took personal interest in my gifts and goals. However, other teachers were a waste of academic effort since they operated solely to take their unhappy lives out on students.
     The teachers who stand out as the worst were a high school math teacher (not my forte) and a college English teacher (my minor).  The math teacher was a screamer who was angry about life, loved to throw chalk and erasers and turn over desks, and humiliate students who dared ask questions. The English teacher was more subtle and used a smooth Southern accent and steely sweet smile as a thin cover for her barbed personality and sarcastic putdowns.  Needless to say, all I learned from these two teachers was to survive in the hostile land of "life's not fair" which is a valuable lesson but not the algebra or English composition I'd signed up to learn.
     Our loving Rabbi - Lord Jesus, teaches from His perfect and personal knowledge of the Father and from His eternal wisdom as a the Teacher of all teachers. He knows His Subject and He knows how to teach the weakest student with gentleness and patience.  Our part is to let Him teach us by opening our minds to His Voice as the Word of God. We can relax and learn in the safe environment of His restful Presence and soak in all He knows we're ready to receive.
Sweet Rabbi, Teacher, Lord, thank You for Your down-to-earth way of teaching heavenly subjects.  We're limited but You throw down obstacles between us and knowing the Father. Our sin kept us in dark ignorance but You light the way, the only way to know God. Thank You for Your infinite patience with us. May we be infinitely patient in pointing others to You, to know You for themselves.  May every lesson You teach us stick.
In Your own Excellent Name, Jesus, we ask these profound blessings for Your Name's sake 

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