Monday, February 11, 2013

Satan's Linen Closet

Tom sleeps with a pillow over his head to block out the light.  A friend wears one of those soft sleeping masks.  When Julie, Nick and Addy come to visit, I find Addy's window covered with blankets to keep out the light so baby girl sleeps longer and parents can sleep in. Experts agree that a dark room fosters deep sleep. 

Darkness is the absence of light. We can only create darkness by blocking out light.

Satan's the master light blocker. He pulls the wool over our eyes and reminds us how harsh the Light can be, how Truth reveals our flaws and needs. He soothes us into the deep sleep of thinking we don't need God; that we can live one more day the way we've been living; that we don't want to examine our weaknesses or address our needs. And we give in,  preferring to sink down under the heavy blankets of sedation, surrounded by the fog of ignorance, . . . of compromises . . . of lukewarmth . . . of sin. 

Satan says, "Dream and sleep, you can't do anything about yourself, much less the rest of them." So, we give up and give in like we do in those frustrating dreams of paralysis, when we struggle to respond to danger, to voices, to knocking. The struggle to move, to change, to extricate ourselves, seems impossible.

Satan's linen closet is filled with a wide variety of shackles disguised as masks, pillows, blankets, and blinders designed to keep us inactive and our eyes from growing accustomed to Light and Truth. Here are a few:

*If I give a few dollars to feed the poor, I've done all I can do and even feel better about myself.

*If I attend church, I've done my duty, kept up appearances for my family and friends, and kept fellow church members from calling.

*If I'm civil to those who hurt me, I've done more than many - no, more than most.

*If I say a blessing at mealtime and call out to God when trouble hits, I'm praying.

*If I thank God for the good things that happen, and even drum up a few extra reasons to be thankful at Thanksgiving, I'm doing all right.

*If I look, act and think like the world, it's so Christians don't get the reputation of being weird fanatics.

*If I fill my head with noise and lights and the gyrations of Satan's music and his brand of entertainment, it's because there's nothing good on television these days.  Really.

*If I fill my ears with easy theology instead of looking for Truth with all my heart, well, who am I to question spiritual experts? 

*If I live comfortably and seclude myself from the hopeless pain of my fellow human beings, it's because I'm one person and what can one person do?

The Son of God offers each of us Eternal Light and Abundant Life (with accompanying Joy, Peace and Rest) as we trust and obey His Word while Satan's handing out pillows, sleeping pills and cheap flashlights. 

"Life was in Him, and that life was the light for all people. The light shines in the darkness. But the darkness has not understood it."  John 1:4-5

"Think of what he went through; how he put up with so much hatred from sinners! So do not let yourselves become discouraged and give up."  Hebrews 12:3

Lord, wake us up from whatever we've fallen for. Sound the alarms and keep us from the temptation of living lukewarm.  Be the boss - we give you full reign.  Use us today to make a real difference with Your Power and Guidance.  Let us be uncomfortable, but don't let us settle!
In the Name of Jesus, the Light, the Life, the Resurrection

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