Monday, February 4, 2013

More robin in me than I knew

May the Lord bless you and take care of you;

May the Lord be kind and gracious to you;
May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26

Solitude and spring-like weather yesterday led me to take my lunch to the river to absorb the wonder of God's creation.  There, in nearby tree tops, I saw a flock of robins and realized how little I know about my namesake bird, since I've always thought of robins as more independant than others birds.  What I did know about them, I liked. For example:

Robins, nicknamed "harbinger of spring," generally flock in wooded areas of their breeding grounds through winter.  Although always nearby, they don't venture out of the woods much until spring, which is why we associate their sightings with the change of seasons. (Like robins, I prefer to flock with family and friends by my fireside through winter months.)

The robin song sounds like "cheerily, cheerily." (Couldn't agree with them more - what's the sense of spreading gloom and doom when singing makes things better?)

What I didn't know surprised me:

Female robins choose their mates by plumage, quality of territory, and singing ability.  Male robins grow temporary black head plumage for the breeding season. Then they lose these feathers in between.  (Now, that I think about it, when we met Tom had a little extra head plumage, lived by the beach, and had an unrivaled talent for and love of music I found irresistible.)

Male robins, like other male birds, fiercely protect the nest - swooping down on cats, dogs, and even humans when they feel encroached upon. (Did I ever tell you how Tom came charging into the fray of carjackers surrounding our car when I happened to be in it?  Or how he courageously keeps on keeping on, no matter what kind of day he's having or how he's feeling?)

Female robins take charge of building and lining the nest, although male robins help collect what's needed. (No explanation needed - I do tend to direct the lining of our nest.)

I guess there's more robin in me than I knew. 

On an  unseasonally spring-like yesterday, I found beauty, fellowship, community, time to reflect, knowledge, rest and peace by the river.  Everybody needs a glimpse of spring in the middle of a long winter. God used a flock of robins to give me mine.    

Tom's enjoying this week in Savannah, Georgia, with other church musicians.  May You speak to him and minister to his heart and soul, reviving and refreshing him in that beautiful place.

Nick spends more and more time with friends. May You bless him with joy, grow his faith and make him a righteous leader among his peers.

Julie and Addy are missing Nick Akin, while also sealing that lovely mama-daughter bond.  May You provide moment after moment of sweet kisses, memorable books, cuddle time, dress up, comfort, and all that makes the mama-daughter bond sacred. 

Nick Akin and his family are traveling home after ministering this weekend.  May You continue to bless their music, their spirits, their words, and their message of hope in the gospel. 

And those reading this prayer? May You bless them with time to retreat into You and Your fair creation to learn something of You and to get a glimpse of spring to chase the chill of whatever winters they face for a time. 

In the name of Jesus, the Life and Resurrection!

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