Monday, January 7, 2013

Syllabus for Saints

Then they asked Him, 'What must we do to do the works God requires?'
 Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.'"
 John 6:29

Yesterday's sermon was "Faith That Impresses God," based on the Roman centurion who amazed Jesus with his faith (Matthew 8).  Last night our preacher prayed for all students, school staff, administrators and teachers returning to school this morning.  In the morning, Pastor Rick identified true, active faith, and last night he prayed those students and faculty (and all believers) would live out their faith on a Monday. Identify and apply. Easier to study than to do. 
As believers, our CORE class throughout life is "Identifying and Applying Faith."  This class comes with a universe-sized laboratory and no graduation date. Graduation only happens when we bend our knees at Heaven's throne and faith becomes sight.  Today, Monday, (or whichever day offers you the greatest challenge) we may have forgotten that class is in session.  Look at the board to see our learning objective and the exercises God has for us in Jesus' own words:  
Faith 101:
"The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent." 
John 6:29
Easy-peasy. No wonder it's Faith 101. Done. Check it off. Next class.

Faith 102:
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, 
who have been called according to His purpose." 
Romans 8:28

All things? And thus begins the difficult work of trusting that God works for our good on Mondays, in frustration, without funds, under pressure, and with obstacles.  The verse rolls off our tongues and our heads say "true," but our hearts drag their feet when it comes to believing God uses "all things" for our good.  After all,  you and I both have histories from which we've emerged still asking "Where's the 'good' from that?" without seeing the "good." We will have to repeat this class several times.

Faith 201, 202, 203 and 204
"but be filled by the Spirit,
speaking to one anotherin psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,
singing and making music
from your heart to the Lord,
giving thanks always for everything
to God the Father
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
submitting to one another
in the fear of Christ."

Not so easy peasy after all.  Memorizing the material is nothing compared to applying this information in life's lab.
1) Remembering to invite God to fill us?  That takes time, work, and relationship.
2) Making music in our hearts? Requires focus, love, learning a melody.
3) Giving thanks always, for everything?  We're going to be busy this semester.
4) Submitting to one another?  Is it too late to drop this class? 

Faith is . . .
     more than words,
     more than a creed,
     more than a favorite Scripture.

Faith is a laboratory of opportunities to "believe in the One He has sent" from our hearts all the way through our actions. 

Lord God, we like living at our leisure like students on holiday, but nothing compares to life's laboratory for fine-tuning our faith.  Remind us to ask You to fill us with Your Spirit and Your Song.  Prompt us to thank You for every gift, great or small. You send every good gift.  And, Father, the hardest exercise of all may be to trust You enough to submit to others and to situations You allow for our good. In submitting we exercise faith that You see, You know, You understand, You shape, You use, and You reign.  May we seize this day's opportunities to trust You.
In the Name of Jesus Who could submit to others because of His Faith in You

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