Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011 - Lord, Make Us Wise

"They entered the house and saw the child with his mother, Mary, 
and they bowed down and worshiped him. 
Then they opened their treasure chests 
and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh." 
(Matthew 2:11)
     The kids arrived last night to our first Christmas in our new home.  Julie, as tired as she was, immediately began to make me feel good by doing what she does best, noticing and complimenting. She walked around looking at everything commenting, 
"The house looks beautiful!"  
"Ahh, this is the life - a Christmas tree and a fire in the fireplace!" 
"Are these new Christmas mugs?"
"The candle screen looks great there - is that just for Christmas?"
     When she said, "Oh, how cute, the little tree in the kitchen is decorated with kitchen things!" (cookie cutters, teacup, apples), Tom took a good look and said appreciatively, Oh, yeah."   It's not that he doesn't care, he's just a big-picture thinker who sees the tree, not the decorations.  Praise God, he notices and takes action on the things I find foggy and confusing, like shopping for cars, houses, insurance, blah-blah-blah, etc., etc.  Together we manage because he puts up the tree and I add the ornaments; he makes the money and I write the checks; he sees to the insurance and I distribute the daily vitamins.
     The magi from the East defied all negative stereotypical male behavior: they observed a change in the skies.  A new star, not a host of heavenly angels wrapped in bright light, caught their attention. They packed for a lengthy trip, remembering to buy and pack the gifts. They stopped for directions to a Baby shower - all for a toddler they didn't yet know and to Whom they weren't related. These unknown and unnumbered men weren't burdened with the pride which would have led them to behave with cool and impatient sophistication, but they rejoiced with exceeding great joy when they saw the star that began the whole journey. They never suspected Herod would view the King they sought as competition because their own hearts were pure and humble.  They didn't snub the Child's housing, housing a blue-collar carpenter could afford, but entered in and bowed down before the Boy they had come so far to meet and to honor. They worshiped Him instead of immediately trying to impress Him or His parents with their expensive gifts. And, when God told them in a dream to change their plans and direction, they did so without question.
     Wise, observant, studious, action-oriented, spiritual, worshiping, humble, emotional, generous, non-judging, obedient, flexible men.  Examples from the East, remembered because they went the extra mile to meet Jesus and worship Him. They didn't let culture, race, custom, class, location, distance, circumstances, obstacles, or potential danger stop them.  They fulfilled their mission of worshiping the King of the Jews personally and through their gifts. 
Lord, make us wise.
In the Name of Jesus, the One worth every mile and worthy of every act of worship

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