Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011, A Sincere "Thank You!"

     I suppose every one of us has said an insincere "Thank you" for a gift we didn't appreciate. For example: 
*We open a gift and can't tell what it is (?????)
*We don't trust the person who gave the gift and can't tell whether or not it's a joke (an abstract sculpture or nose hair trimmer).
*We already have one (pair of flamingos for the yard).
*We don't appreciate what the gift says (a Gut Buster or a self-help book).
*We know what the gift is, trust the person who gave it to us, but hate the gift (hand-knitted sofa cover featuring mushrooms, carrots and Elvis. My apologies in advance to any of you who have one of these.).
     Each of God's gifts is tasteful, timely, and trustworthy because He is tasteful, timely and trustworthy. However, He does even better than that: because He's thoroughly Good, every gift He gives us does us good in ways we may not grasp when we open them. His gifts are personalized and never given from obligation but from a loving heart that knows the desires of our hearts.  
Thank You God for Your Goodness and Your Generosity. Thank You for the gifts we don't immediately understand but can trust because we can trust You. Thank You for Your perfect timing in giving them. Thank You for Your exquisite taste and for the fact that You bestow unique and original gifts on us individually and as a world full of people who don't even recognize them as Your gifts.
You are Light, Life and the Master of all Gift-giving!
In the Name of Jesus, the most unselfish Giver of all,
"Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song."
Psalm 95:2
"This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: 
God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all." 
1 John 5:5

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