Monday, March 18, 2013

Unlimited Expertise

"So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own.
There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings."
Matthew 6:34

"LORD Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in You." 
Psalm 84:12

     The day came last week when I had to face the "boogey man" computer program I've dreaded for a year.  When I first started working for the judge, someone came and showed me how to access and use several programs to do my job.  I promptly forgot what I didn't understand (most of it) and have used only what I've needed on a daily basis.  But, the time has come to dig deeper, to master my fear and to dominate this frightful program.  It didn't start well: nothing worked and I felt like I was in a land where no one spoke my language.  
     When I called the helpline, (I'm not proud when it comes to technology) a nice young man led me through steps which gave him remote access to my computer. A strange combination of relief and anxiety overcame me as I watched the cursor on my screen come alive to glide across the screen and click on boxes which dropped twenty mysterious options. It magically deleted excess information and updated what was left  - all within a matter of minutes and without my help.  When the job was complete, the young man exited my computer and placed the reigns (mouse) back in my hands.  
     Do we see God's work in our lives this way? As some sort of helpline we call to take over, clean out and update when we're nervous, frightened, confused, uncertain?  Do we take the reigns back when the way seems clear or until the next glitch occurs?
     If so, we're missing out on all our Mighty God wants to do in and through us, with or without the glitches.   He's more than a temporary helpline who takes over to clean up our messes or get us through the scary parts of life.  He's the 24/7 All-Knowing Friend, Brother, Savior, Consolation, Guide, Teacher, Tutor, Father, Boss, Shepherd, Strength, Wisdom, Physician, Psychologist - Whoever we need Him to be every minute of today so that tomorrow we're already on track.  He offers us love, joy, peace, rest, relief, forgiveness, understanding, opportunity, reprimand, guidance, patience - whatever we need for the moment - so we're in the right place at the right time to be blessed. 
     I like knowing the nice young man or one of his co-workers is on the other end of the line when I need computer help, but that's where his expertise and input end in my life.  God's expertise knows no end. Any day I fail to invite Him to take the reigns is a day I don't live up to what He could and would do through me. 

Father, take today and make it what You want it to be. Clean out the excesses of materialism and self-absorption. Update stale faith.  Open the hearts within our hearts to deeper lessons, life and love.  May today be a day we live and move in You. Do all that You desire and make us who You created us to be in Jesus Christ. 
In the Name of Your Son, "God With Us" - Who sent the Holy Spirit to work in us.


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